
Guest Blogging: Benefits & Ways to Get High-Quality Backlinks in 2021
by digitactix-team Blog

If you are dealing with blogs or if you are a blogger yourself you must have heard about guest blogging. And if you were pushing the idea of guest blogging behind for, I don’t know, maybe some unknown reason or...

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Install Google Analytics in 3 Simple Steps & Work Like a Pro
by digitactix-team Sales & Marketing

Setting up Google Analytics (GA) is the first step to learn everything about the ways the visitors are interacting with your website. You can know the type of people that are visiting your website, their behavior while exploring your website,...

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B2B SEO Agency – Get More Leads in 2021 with Best B2B SEO Strategies
by digitactix-team Blog

The demand for a B2B SEO agency in the field of digital marketing is in full swing. We all know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key part of the field of digital marketing. Any business, be it B2B...

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Get a Brief Idea on the Best Digital Marketing Packages in India
by digitactix-team Sales & Marketing

Digital marketing packages help to open the windows of marketing possibilities worldwide. In today’s digital-led world digital marketing is one such aspect that can gauge the success and failures of any brand. But most of the brands do not have...

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Domain Authority: What is DA & How to Boost it?
by digitactix-team Search Engine Optimization

Domain Authority (DA) is a very important factor for the websites willing to get the first rank on the Google SERP. Moz scores DA on a logarithmic scale of 100-point. So the more DA a website has earned, the better...

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Digitactix is Helping Brands Soar Since 5 Years
by digitactix-team Sales & Marketing

In this fast-paced world, the growth of any business depends on how much it can expand itself according to the needs of the hour. And for any business to meet the goals, digital transformation is a must. A strong digital...

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Content Promotion: Drive More Traffic with 6 Advanced Strategies
by digitactix-team Content Writing

Content Promotion? Why spend extra time promoting my content? I’m writing blogs regularly for my website, posting it on social media as well. Then why should I bother about more promotional plans?” --- We get this kind of reaction from...

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Keyword Density Guide For Writing SEO-Friendly Content
by digitactix-team Search Engine Optimization

Keyword density is the backbone of any SEO content. Although there are a lot of different opinions among experts about the exact density of keywords in any piece of content. But experts have agreed to a certain point and here...

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Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO 2021: The Definitive Guide – Digitactix
by digitactix-team Content Writing

The ideal blog post length for SEO 2021 is a matter of concern for every other blogger. Although there is no such hard-and-fast rule for the length of a blog post. But, it’s true that a longer blog with informative...

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Why Should Your Website Have a Sitemap?
by digitactix-team Search Engine Optimization

The sitemap is a crucial part of any website. It is a key file that contains all the important pages of your website. But how would you decide the level of importance of the webpages? It’s simply that, the webpages...

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